Aeration & Mixing

Since 1969, Aqua-Aerobic has provided thousands of municipal and industrial customers around the world with the most durable and dependable solutions in surface and aspirating aeration and direct drive and directional mixing. These products have become integral to various treatment schemes and integral components to Aqua-Aerobic Systems’ biological treatment processes including the Aqua MixAir® Aeration System and the AquaSBR® Sequencing Batch Reactor System.


Surface Aerators

The Aqua-Jet® aerator is the most durable, highly efficient wastewater aerator on the market today. Since 1969, more than 130,000 Aqua-Jet aerators have been installed throughout the world, representing 2.4 million horsepower and over 9 billion hours of runtime.


Aspirating Aerators

Aspirating aerators are used in municipal and industrial applications to introduce oxygen into lagoons, equalization tanks or activated sludge basins.

Aqua EnduraTube® Fine Bubble Diffusers

Diffused Aeration

Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. manufactures a complete line of fine-bubble and coarse-bubble diffused aeration systems that can be applied in a wide range of applications.

AquaDDM® Direct Drive Mixer

Direct Drive Mixers

Since 1973, Aqua-Aerobic Systems has installed more than 10,000 AquaDDM® Direct-Drive Mixer units in a variety of municipal and industrial applications.

TurboStar® Directional Mixers

Directional Mixers

The TurboStar® directional mixer is used in municipal and industrial wastewater applications to introduce directional linear mixing into lagoons, equalization basins, sludge holding and/or activated sludge systems.

OxyMix® Pure Oxygen Mixer

Pure Oxygen Mixers

For those wastewater applications that require an efficient means of introducing oxygen into a system, the OxyMix® pure oxygen mixer is an economical solution compared to other pure oxygen devices.


Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.