Plant Wellness Inspections
Are you experiencing process or mechanical issues with your biological treatment system or filtration system? Or, maybe the need to train new operating staff on your system? Allow the Aqua-Aerobic Systems’ team to help keep your treatment process operating at peak efficiency.
Aqua-Aerobic Systems’ Plant Wellness Program includes two full days on site; one day to inspect the mechanical and electrical equipment along with a detailed review of the biological process efficiency, and the second day consisting of training on process operations to help your team improve and optimize process efficiency.

Wellness Program Packages
- A comprehensive written report summarizing all aspects of the Plant Wellness trip
- List of recommended components to bring the system back to optimal operation
- Hands-on training on how to repair or replace key components and adjust system settings
- PowerPoint® presentations regarding process control are available upon request
Review, inspection or training is available on these aspects of your plant:
AquaABF® Traveling Bridge Filters
- Filter Underdrain
- Sand Media
- Porous Plates
- Bridge Mechanisms
- Rails
- Backwash Mechanism
- Controls
- TSS removal
- Phosphorus removal
AquaDisk®, AquaDiamond®, Aqua MegaDisk® Cloth Media Filter Systems
- Cloth Media
- Control Panel
- Backwash Pumps
- Valves
- Level Sensors
- TSS removal
- Phosphorus removal
- Particle Size Analysis
AquaSBR® Sequencing Batch Reactor Systems
- Settling Characteristics
- Microscopic Life
- Aeration System Settings
- Control Logic
- Nutrient Removal
- Mechanical and Control Equipment
Contact for Plant Wellness Inspections:
Paul Klebs
(815) 639-4466