Pilot Systems
Technology pilot demonstrations can be beneficial to wastewater treatment plants by providing a snapshot of essential process operating conditions and allowing the customer to interact with the technology and factory personnel. Pilot systems provide customers with the most comprehensive on-site testing and analytical services available. Our unique approach is designed to provide prompt operational feedback, allowing immediate fine tuning of operating parameters for the most effective pilot/demonstration experience. Aqua-Aerobic Systems has a fleet of pilot units available including:
- OptiFiber® Cloth Media Filtration
- AquaPrime® Cloth Media Filter for Primary Filtration and Wet Weather
- AquaNereda® Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology
- Membrane Technologies

A wide variety of bench-scale evaluations are conducted in Aqua-Aerobic Systems’ on-site R & D laboratory. These vary from generating feasibility and optimization data for potential pilot and existing commercial filter, biological, and membrane applications to investigating emerging water and wastewater treatment technologies. In addition, the laboratory is a resource for technical staff to provide timely and reliable analytical data for on-going studies at the Aqua-Aerobic Research & Technology Center and the AquaNereda® demonstration plant at the Rock River Water Reclamation District in Rockford, IL.
The laboratory’s analytical instrumentation and equipment coupled with staff expertise allow Aqua-Aerobic to generate a broad spectrum of analyses within short turn-around times including:
- Determining total suspended solids and turbidity levels
- Various nitrogen and phosphorus species
- Particle population distributions
- Settling velocities
- Ultraviolet transmission values
- Microscopic examinations
- Screen sieve sizes
- Silt density indices
When necessary, other analyses are performed by accredited analytical and materials laboratories with whom Aqua-Aerobic has long-standing relationships.