Cloth Media Filtration
The AquaStorm® Cloth Media Filter is designed to be used for enhanced high rate wet weather treatment, a process that can achieve equivalent to wet-weather secondary effluent quality. The AquaStorm® enhanced high-rate wet weather treatment process typically achieves average effluents during wet weather events which less than typical permit requirements for TSS and BOD. This high removal is achieved with three zones of solids removal which are floatable removal, settled solids and filtration which is different than any other technology which only typically removes solids by two means. The filtration step allows for high performance with or without chemical addition.
Advantages of Cloth Media Filtration for Wet Weather Treatment
- Enhanced wet weather treatment for excess peak flow conditions within a treatment facility resulting in:
- No need for expansion of the secondary treatment process
- High effluent quality, low TSS and BOD
- Dual use capabilities of tertiary filtration in dry weather conditions and peak flow treatment during wet weather conditions
- Remote site wet weather treatment at overflow locations in the collection network
- Easy startup and shutdown from dry / empty tank conditions:
- Startup and Shutdown with the opening/closing of the influent valve or gate
- Automated shutdown/storage procedure which is the removal of the water and solids in the tank
- Enhanced solids removal resulting in:
- Better UV Disinfection
- More consistent chemical disinfection and less chemical
- Further enhanced removal of other contaminants with coagulant addition for:
- Phosphorus removal
- TSS and cBOD5
Featured Application

Rushville Installs AquaPrime® Cloth Media Filter to Treat Combined Sewer Overflow Discharge Instead of Conventional Wet Weather Storage Tank
The City of Rushville, Indiana had to remedy a consent order filed in 2007 for its untreated combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges that were polluting the Flatrock River, a violation of the Clean Water Act.
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